Friday, November 17, 2017

TNT into 2018

I have given up on the website.  I searched through emails from 2008 to find out how to access this old blog we had.  Hopefully with the blog, I will get into updating group stuff more.

Upcoming events for TNT.

This coming weekend we have some people racing at the Lil Rhody Runaround and also some at The Mews 6.9k.  Both races are on Sunday.

Next week, we have out annual Thanksgiving Morning Run at George Ross's house.

The end of November into December will bring some more group trail runs, a cyclocross race and the Run for Hope almost 10k on December 10th in Newport.

I will try to post results going forward...I will also start updating the info on the run pages ASAP.  Keep an eye out!

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